Empower your 3-year-old with essential water skills in our Tot swimming classes.
Kids learn how to kick 5 feet through the water, how to hold their breath for 10 seconds, our “Jump, Turn, Swim” method, and will be introduced to back floating.
Level 3
Kids learn how to kick 5 feet through the water, how to hold their breath for 10 seconds, our “Jump, Turn, Swim” method, and will be introduced to back floating.
Level 4
Our intermediate class teaches children how to kick 12 feet through the water, become more comfortable with backfloating, advance their “Jump, Turn, Swim” safety skills, and begin learning to roll over to breathe on their back.
Level 5
Children will leave this class learning how to kick 20 feet through the water, mastering their ability to roll onto their back to breathe, working on breathing as they swim on their stomachs, and becoming independent backfloating.
Use our specialized assessment tool to determine what swim lessons level your child should be enrolled in.
We have 11 specifically designed levels with their own unique milestones for advancement. Every child starts at the level most appropriate for their age and skill level and advances based on their instructor’s milestone updates.
You're welcome to wait in the observation room during lessons or in a chair on deck near your child’s class. Please do not leave the facility during lessons. For safety, parents are asked to keep their eyes on their child at all times before, during and after the swim lesson. No one is better at keeping a watchful eye on their child than a parent.
Each swim student’s progress is evaluated by an Emler manager every four lessons, or once a month. As your swimmer meets the goals of their class, we will update you on their progress. Once they pass all of the goals of their class, we will promote your swimmer to the next level!
Level 1 is specifically for our infants who are learning how to swim. As a 3-year-old, your child needs to be in an independent class (non-parent participation) with other children their age to see the most progress.
Every swimmer is different, but 99% of all students learn to swim alone within the first 4-5 months they are enrolled at Emler. Our award-winning curriculum along with our nurturing environment accounts for such a high success rate. Your child will be evaluated by an Emler Manager once a month, or every four classes, to identify if your child needs extra assistance to reach their swim goals.
Emler Instructors are required to complete online curriculum training and pass an exam in order to continue with in-water training. If passed, our instructors will complete 30 hours of in-water training beside one of our certified veteran teachers, complete an intensive In-Water Orientation course, and must pass an in-water assessment before teaching classes of their own. Emler instructors also participate in several H2O (Huddle 2 Optimize) Meetings a year. These meetings include new teaching techniques and safety improvements. EAPs (Emergency Action Plans) are also practiced regularly by each shift of teachers, so Emler instructors are ready for an emergency.
Three times a year, our swimmers come to class with clothes on top of their bathing suits. Students will start class by practicing their "Jump, Turn, Swim" safety skills to experience the sensation of being in the pool fully clothed. We want them to get real emergency experience in a safe and nurturing environment so they can increase their confidence in getting back to safety.
We teach with toys in our 3-year-old classes. At the end class, each swimmer will swim out to a final prize that they get to take home with them!
We celebrate your swimmer’s milestones in a few different ways. We’re big fans of high fives and celebratory clapping at Emler—which always brings smiles to the faces of our swimmers! We also give hand stamps, ribbons, and do other fun celebrations to let our swimmers know they are doing a great job.
Three times a year we teach children about boat safety. Your swimmer will learn how to yell for help, put on, swim, and float in a life jacket, and other lifesaving skills. These classes are fun for children because they get to sit in a blow-up boat and experience something different while also learning important skills.
We do our best to have the same teacher in class every week because we know it is important to build trust and comfort. However, we do periodically have substitute teachers in class if your current teacher had a planned vacation, isn’t feeling well, or other unforeseen reasons. Don’t worry, though! All of our substitutes go through the same training as your assigned instructor.
Emler Swim School is the place to be if you want your child to learn how to swim while also having fun. Sign up today and make learning to swim one of your child’s fondest memories with Emler!
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