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Pink placeholder banner with white bubbles.

Bullying at the Pool

Sep 19, 2014

Authored by Emlerswim

I know there is more than one way to teach a child to swim. However, there are some swim lesson programs, I’ve been observing for years which cause me to cringe every time I see them.  Their techniques simply involve letting go of babies on top of the water and allowing them to sink underwater.

Headshot of experienced Emler swim instructor

Keeping Swimmers in Hot Water

Feb 01, 2014

Authored by Emlerswim

Last night I turned on the bath water in the tub. I had inadvertently filled the tub with only cold water. By submerging one hand and half way up to my elbow in that cold water, to pull the plug, I reacted with shivering for a few moments afterwards. It brought back memories of teaching.

Pink placeholder banner with white bubbles.

It’s Tough to Become a Teacher at Emler

Jan 03, 2014

Authored by Emlerswim

Recently a family friend asked my advice about which teacher I would recommend for their child at Emler Swim School. After I thought about it for a moment, I realized that I could honestly recommend any of them! It occurred to me that most people have no idea how careful we are when we hire.

Pink placeholder banner with white bubbles.

A Mother’s 4th of July Story

Aug 24, 2013

Authored by Emlerswim

A mother who brings her sons to Emler Swim School shared her story of a Close Call for her two year old son, Max. Here is what happened in her words. “It was the 4th of July, and we were visiting our friends’ new house in McKinney with a pool. We’d made an American flag.

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