CARES! is our way of giving back. Whether we are hosting a school supply drive for children in need, raising funds for swim lesson scholarships, or promoting water safety in our home towns, our goal is to eradicate childhood drowning and uplift our communities through impactful initiatives.

What is Emler CARES?
Past CARES campaigns!
- Feb 2023: Soap Drive benefiting local Ronald McDonald House Charities
- April 2023: Local park trash collection to celebrate Earth Day
- May 2023: Lifejacket Collection Drive
- May 2023: Drowning Prevention Fundraiser - over $5,000 raised for local drowning prevention charities!
- May 2023: We hosted water safety open house events to help educate families on how to stay safer around the water!
- July 2023: School supply and backpack drive for underserved local children!
- September 2023: American Cancer Society Fundraiser - thanks to our local communities we were able to give back over $40,000 directly to our friends at ACS!
- October 2023: Socktober sock drive to benefit local shelters
- November 2023: Candy drive that benefited local food banks & military families!
- December 2023: We held our annual Toys for Tots toy drive!
- February 2024: Food drive to benefit local food pantries!
- April 2024: Earth Day activities & education events at our facilities!
We are honored to partner with the Hope Floats Foundation and Every Child a Swimmer to provide swim lessons to families facing economic hardship.

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